Strategic communication doesn’t necessarily require enormous time or resources. Instead, it involves a way of thinking about communication one that places communication squarely in the broader context of strategic organizational change. What is required is a senior-level commitment to actively leading a coordinated change effort with specific objectives. The creation of the initial announcement and communication strategy requires the active, hands-on involvement of top leaders. The transition period provides opportunities to use communication to build support, increase participation, and maintain performance during a period of instability and uncertainty. In the latter stages of change, strategic communication helps to sustain momentum and keep the organization focused on critical priorities and objectives. Under any circumstances, strategic communication provides a conceptual approach and some guiding principles that can substantially increase the effectiveness of leadership in today’s complex organizations.
Setting an effective organizational strategy is very vital for an organization. It has various steps involved like determining the objectives of the communication, deciding what resources are available like money, time and human resources. Organizations must also determine what kind of reputation they have with the constituencies. The next most important function in a communication strategy is to analyze its constituencies. The companies have to look into who are its primary and secondary constituencies because each company will have a different set of constituencies depending on their nature, size and reach of their business. In addition to this companies have to assess what each constituency thinks about their organization. The company should also determine what each knows and feels about the communication in question. A company which has a bad reputation will have a tough time to communicate its message.

Example: Toyota had always been known for its quality products. But people didn't know that Toyota was a creative corporate working on projects that impact everyday lives. To convey this image, Toyota engaged in eco-friendly activities, participated in motor sports such as Formula One and practiced philanthropy.
Setting an effective organizational strategy is very vital for an organization. It has various steps involved like determining the objectives of the communication, deciding what resources are available like money, time and human resources. Organizations must also determine what kind of reputation they have with the constituencies. The next most important function in a communication strategy is to analyze its constituencies. The companies have to look into who are its primary and secondary constituencies because each company will have a different set of constituencies depending on their nature, size and reach of their business. In addition to this companies have to assess what each constituency thinks about their organization. The company should also determine what each knows and feels about the communication in question. A company which has a bad reputation will have a tough time to communicate its message.

Example: Toyota had always been known for its quality products. But people didn't know that Toyota was a creative corporate working on projects that impact everyday lives. To convey this image, Toyota engaged in eco-friendly activities, participated in motor sports such as Formula One and practiced philanthropy.
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